Sunday, October 25, 2009

One Month Anniversary!

It's been exactly a month since I started this blog and I'm really proud of the growth it's experienced and the help it's provided to others, as well as to myself.

This is another one of "those posts" where I say thanks for following along and encourage you to join in on the earning and leave comments - whether it's feedback, success stories, suggestions or whatever!

My dearly beloved still mocks my blogging, but I think even he's learning to appreciate it now that he's seeing me bring in enough income to cover some of our expenses ;)

Coming soon:
KGB I passed the test last night - just waiting on the email from them, I'm already a bit iffy though since they require actual scheduled hours which somewhat goes against the "do it in your spare time" goal of this blog.
A monthly review of all programs - AKA the reader's digest version of all my October entries.


Terria said...

Congratulation I am so glad I found your blog it has been very helpful and I look forward to hearing more success story for the months to come. I have set my goals :)

JPowell said...

Thanks so much Terria :) I love knowing that I'm helping people out and I hope you reach your goals as well!

I love your blog as well, your craftiness makes me jealous hehe

The Aldi Mom said...

Good luck with KGB! I passed the test a few months ago and when I started working I was very let down. I claimed questions and answered them at a very fast rate and I only average 4 to $5.00 per hour. It is nice if you have nothing else though. :) I'm excited to see how you do. Things might be better, my experience is from a few months ago.

JPowell said...

I'm honestly not even expecting that much from it, from what I've heard most folks get around 3 or so which makes it a pretty meager egg, but still an egg none the less.

The big turn off for me is the necessity to actually schedule hours to work. That kind of goes against the "work when you can" vibe that this blog is meant to focus on.

I mean - mothers could still do it if their 4 month old wakes up and needs to be fed, but it'd slow them down significantly.

A few people requested/suggested it as an addition though - so I'm going to give it a shot and see how it goes.

Anonymous said...


Wanelo :)

ChopsueyRice said...

Congrats! I'm a great fan of your blog... More power!

JPowell said...

@Bucks Thanks so much :) I follow yours as well hehe

@Abstract Thanks so much! Your site looks really nice and well thought out, BUT in all honestly when someone comes to me looking to because they want to improve/repair their credit (or decrease their debt) I send them to the forums.

The people there are really on the ball! They're super helpful, supportive and well informed - plus it's FREE!

With the information I learned there I was able to raise my scores over 100 points in about a year :)

JPowell said...

@ Wanelo Thanks for stopping by :) I'm glad you like the blog!

See ya on your site hehe

Melissa said...

About kgb... They "require" scheduling, but honestly it doesn't really matter. The majority of the time I'm able to log in without scheduling at all. Sometimes I schedule myself 5 minutes before my shift would start and you can schedule yourself for 15 minute intervals. It's not that bad. :)

JPowell said...

@Melissa thanks for the info on the work intervals - 15 minutes isn't terrible.

I assumed you could log in just about anytime to help out since you're only paid per response, not by the amount of time you're on. I did the first two training sections earlier then stopped to make dinner - I'll probably finish up tomorrow.

Moe said...

Glad I found this blog. Great tips! I am new to all this earning from home and am glad for all the advice!

JPowell said...

@Moe I'm glad it's helping you out, and it's great to get positive feed back like that. Let's me know that what I'm doing is beneficial to others and it keeps me motivated to carry on and keep exploring.

I love your blog by the way, "Look a Spider" made me laugh. My SO and 4yo son do that to each other all the time... although my son prefers "Look a rocket ship!"

JPowell said...

@Moe PS: You're my twentieth follower! A small milestone, but a milestone none the less - so thank you hehe

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