Saturday, November 21, 2009

YouData, Trekpay and Wanelo...

...sent me payments this week. I received other payments as well, but those were all from private clients. I actually have a new goal for the month, to stop finding new clients! I'm addicted to looking for work though haha

I'm really enjoying it though. It feels good to not be unemployed anymore and if I had known it was this easy to work from home in this sort of manner before, I would have started sooner.

Anyways, on to the important stuff!

YouData sent me a payment for 16¢ which reminded me to check for new ads and I actually had some! This one definitely adds up slowly, but they pay promptly which is nice. (Proof of Payment)

TrekPay updated on the 18th and I'm up to $5.08 with them so I should make the cash out next week! It was a really big leap from $3.74 to $5.08 so I'm not sure what happened, but I'm happy. That's $1.34 this week!

And of course I got my $10 from Wanelo. I'm sad to see their paid reviews program go but I'm really crossing my fingers about the new Super!moms program. I think I've gotten a few nominations, and I've nominated people as well, so I'm crossing my fingers! (Proof of Payment)

I also cashed out for my fourth iRazoo gift card yesterday which brings me up to $20 worth of gift cards from them... I could cash out for another $15 through SwagBucks as well, but I'm still crossing my fingers for some good sales through them so I'm stock piling my SwagBucks for now.


Melissa said...

I have a little trick for YouData. They let you have two accounts per household and you can use the same PayPal account for each, so I made my husband sign up (under me) for it and I just check it for him. They don't appear to have a problem with it at all.

Also, how on earth are you getting Swagbucks so fast? I search every day and rarely miss a code. Is it referrals?

By the way, I love the new background! :D The colors are great!

JPowell said...

I earn a decent amount through referrals, although 1/2 my referrals are inactive and have never earned a Swagbuck haha

I basically get about twice the normal amount a day 1/2 from me and 1/2 from referrals so that I can chug along in overdrive for the time being lol

Hopefully the Black Friday month of sales doesn't turn out to be a b u s t. I'd hate to have been saving them up for a month for no real reason.

JPowell said...

Hehe and thanks for the compliment on the background! My SO was impressed that I made it haha

Now to move on to more layout upgrades... I need to do my menu bar and go through and change all my old labels (ick)

Melissa said...

Ew yeah, I hear ya on the labels. I still have to finish that on my blog. I've been avoiding it, but I guess it does me no good to put it off. Haha.

JPowell said...

Yeah :( I have almost 70 posts to go through as is... but I don't want to start until I get my menu bar up and know exactly how I should be labeling them... so I keep putting it off.

I'm starting to understand why I've seen job posts where people hire someone to do it for them >_<

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