Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

What a day! I don't know about you, but I've been experiencing issues all over the place today. I'm blaming it on the date even though I'm not superstitious... I can say though that the WAHM forums must be because they are definitely in hideout mode today!

I've been busily chugging along for all of my private clients this week which is taking up a pretty fair chunk of my time, but I don't mind because they pay is adding up decently. I've already accumulated about $82 in my Elance account this past week from two clients. I'm also finishing up another $50 worth of content work tonight that I'll be submitting. In total I've done $100 worth of work for one client in 4 days. I'll be sad to see this project end, whenever that day may come.

If you haven't checked out any of the many freelance sites available, I really do think that it's worth it. Sign up for a free account, fill out your profile information and add a picture (if possible) so they will think of you as a real person. Find something you really think you have a shot at and go for it! The worst that will happen is that you won't get it and will be out a bid for the month.

If you sign up for multiple freelance sites you can just start bidding on a new one when you run out of free bids on one for the month ;)

Don't get discouraged if you don't get selected. You'll have a lot of competition including some outsourced that works for well under standard prices, but with some dedication and effort there's a good chance that you'll find something and once you get a little good feed back under your belt everything will get easier.

I personally have also learned a lot from this client about SEO and content writing in general from this client which is giving me a boost in confidence overall. I'm pretty sure that with what he's shown me on this project I can start writing for Associated Content or any other free topic residual income site and do decent in terms of keywording.

My next step will be to find a higher paying content writing gig. This one is decent but it could be better. I'm willing to sacrifice a bit of pay for a boatload of experience though!


background pictures for free said...

Good I'm not the only one who couldn't get on the wahm boards lol. Hopefully, it will be up again tomorrow. There's also a forum at I like wahm better though. I wonder what made it go down.

And it sounds like you are doing great with meeting your financial goal this month wtg. I want to find another paid offer site like cashcrate that has offers for $16 or more-not $2.00.

JPowell said...

Another reader recently turned me onto a site Prize Live. They said they've made over $5 in a few days doing offers and playing games.

I honestly haven't messed with it yet (been busy) but it looks like they are really similar to Cash Crate. Their offers are pretty low end though at a $1.50 or less each.

They have some higher paying "trials" but they don't look like good ones to me because they either require an immediate purchase or a S&H fee for something.

It might be something to check out if you're enjoying Cash Crate though.

JPowell said...

Oh, and tons of folks are having issues with Wahm so I'm pretty sure it's on their end. There are a couple of threads about it, but good luck making it in to see them lol

JPowell said...

Hey Veronica! Thanks for stopping by and I'm glad ya like it :)

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