Sunday, February 28, 2010

Why My February Gets Two Thumbs Down

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So many things went poorly in February, that I don't even know where to start... I hate making excuses, but I feel like I should explain why I didn't meet my monetary goals (for the first time since I started this blog) to all of you.

There are, quite honestly, a laundry list of reasons - some that are my fault and others that are not... Here it goes:
  1. Bad weather (4+ feet of snow) and that meant four snow days with the man of the house home.  In other words there was too much noise, chaos and requests for attention to work effectively.
  2. I had my second death in the family this year, both of which were unexpected and it threw me for an emotional loop.
  3. One client didn't send me any assignments for 10 days, even though they told me 3 times in that period that I would have an assignment that day.  That took a good $160-180 off of my monthly income.  I'll be invoicing this one tomorrow, but I doubt it will be paid early enough to count.
  4. Another client had to make some cut backs which dropped my income by $40+.
  5. A third client has two outstanding invoices totaling $150.  This is my fault for letting them slide on the first invoice and continuing to do the second week of work.  They then said that I didn't send them a second invoice, even though I did (at the top of an email labeled "Invoice" that they replied to confirming that they had indeed received it).
  6. A fourth client had an emergency that led to a delay in the pay roll, so there's another $10.
  7. I burnt out on one particular project because of all the other chaos this month so I cut back my hours with it.
While there's more than that, I think you get the picture.  I came in at a little under $600 for the month (before fees) when I totaled it all up earlier today.  It's slightly lower than I'd expected, somehow my weekly Pay Day totals were off from my private client payments although I'm not sure why.  I should have a good head start on March though, unless my #5 turns out to be my first non paying client.
    All in all, if those payments did come through, I'd be pretty close to my goal which is somewhat consoling, but since I've always held to the fact that the only income that counts is what I have in my hands to spend, those payments will just have to count for next month!

    I'm disappointed in myself for not being able to pull things together a bit better this month, but I'm definitely inspired to try harder next month and fight through whatever life may throw at me.
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    Julia said...

    I think you did really well considering everything that you had stacked against you this month. I hope March is a better month for you :)

    ebele said...

    I don't think you should be too hard on yourself. You made $600 INSPITE of how trying your month was. I really think you need to pat yourself on the back.

    JPowell said...

    Julia and Ebele,

    Thanks so much for the encouraging words. You're both right, overall it could have been a lot worse.

    I am happy with the work that I got done and I think that I've learned a good bit about how to and not to react in the future.

    I've also started to fine tune my schedule which will help when life gets out of hand next time.

    I hope you both are doing great with your own earnings and goals :)

    Sharon said...

    I'm with the other posters. you did great considering the issues you had to deal with!

    Yelena said...

    Really, you are being too hard on yourself. Considering all the setbacks, bringing in almost $600 is great! Take a step back and put things into the perspective - this is the first time in over a year that you haven't met your financial goal, right? So re-group, take a breath and feel better. Oh, and keep an eye on that late-paying client!

    JPowell said...

    Sharon and Yelena,

    That's what everyone keeps telling me ;) I know I didn't do terrible, but I can't help but think I still could have done a bit better.

    As for that non paying client, she is a handful - I wish I'd contracted with her through Elance so I could give her TERRIBLE feedback.

    She's used every excuse in the book, aside from admitting that she's screwed up repeatedly. I'm debating telling her to find someone else to take over the project as well because being consistent late invoices certainly isn't something I want to keep dealing with.

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