Paid through PayPal:
$565.64 minus $16.66 in fees nets $548.98 from PayPal.
Paid through eLance:
$250.20 minus $21.90 in fees nets $228.30 from eLance.
Total: $815.84 in earnings and $38.56 in fees for a total income of $777.28! Not bad for my second month, granted a LOT of the income came from private jobs I'm still really happy.
Here's the breakdown by program for deposits this month:
- IMShopping $58.25 Proof of Payment
- YouData 49¢ Proof of Payment
- Cloud Crowd $4.40 Proof of Payment
- Wanelo $30.00 Proof of Payment
- Greenfield Online $32.00 Proof of Payment
- AroundMe $23.97 Proof of Payment (one time deal)
- SurveyHead $25.50 Proof of Payment
- Private Clients $602.67
I expect December to be a bit slower because one project was temporary and came to an end, and another is on hiatus for the holidays, but should resume in January. Overall I'm super thrilled at what I achieved last month monetarily.
It feels amazing to be able to shop for little odds and ends that aren't dire necessities. As a matter of fact, I've already finished almost all of our son's Christmas shopping, and thanks to that SeeHere promotion I have the beginnings of some Christmas presents for the rest of the family as well.
I did reach my goal in terms of cash made, but I need to work on some of my non private eggs a bit more in the future so I can reach $100 a week with them alone. I just need to work on my time management a bit more to be able to do that.
Coming soon, November Goal Review and December Goals. You will also see more layout changes in the future... after making that header (and not finishing the links) I've decided to opt for a different style menu instead.
Dang, you'll have to tell me the private clients if it's possible. lol I want to make that much!
Congratulations on passing your goal, that is awesome!
Thank you both :) I'm a little disappointed in how I passed by goal, but I'm thrilled that I did it none the less.
A little more discipline and hopefully I'll be able to pass my goal AND utilize my eggs better!
@Freebie Unfortunately I can't give out private info, but I can say that all of my private clients have come from the forums or from freelance sites, so don't write those two types of things off!
Congratulations!!! You are truly a source of inspiration. Well done.
Thanks so much Theody :)
You guys are a great source of inspiration as well! Knowing that I'm helping and encouraging other people is really amazing.
with the freelance stuff did you have experience before you started or how did you go about getting started on that I love to write but not sure how to get started on anything like this but would love to give it a shot
Hey Mary, I actually had no experience as a freelancer. I hadn't even posted an article on eHow or Associated Content although I think I might have done one or two on TextBroker.
Most of the writing you'll get paid to do is SEO Content writing, meaning you get a subject and some keywords, and you write about it and use those exact words X number of times in it.
Even if you blog or write for a site like eHow it's good to use the same methods and find keywords that will draw an audience to your writing.
It sounds more technical than it is, I promise lol
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