This week's payments:
So far I'm only at $563.45 at the moment which is a bit disappointing, but I've really been bogged down with a lot of non work related things this month. Between blizzards, illness, my toddler wrecking the house, more family members in the hospital and obligations that I have to friends, I've been incredibly busy and burnt out. There is still a slim possibility that I'll meet my goal, but February may be the first time that I have ever fallen short...
If so I'll just have to make up for it in March!
I know you've made more in the past months, but the amount you've made so far this month is still a big achievement in itself especially as it sounds you've had a rough month. Also, how much were you making online 6 months ago?
It has indeed been a rough month, and year, so I'm pretty happy but just slightly disappointed.
Considering the fact that 6 months ago I was making $0.00 online, and in general, I'm still doing pretty darn good ;)
Oh, love your blog as well :)
to still make that much when you're having a rough month is good! Plus, this is a short month, so you're allowed to be a bit less on your money
Thanks Sharon :) That's true it is a short month and it's been rough so I'll take what i can get haha.
Were you still thinking that you'd be able to be the Motivational Monday post author for March?
If you can make that much when you've had a rough month, then it does show a certain amount of committment on your part.
Hope you have a less challenging month next month.
I've been following your blog since it first started and I think you're doing brilliantly.
Take care...
Thanks so much MissEb.
That's really encouraging to hear that even after all this time I'm still holding your interest. I hope you're doing just as well in your endeavors.
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