Wednesday, February 3, 2010

January Goal Check

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It's time to take a look at January and see how I did... We already know that I met my monetary legitimate work from home goals, but how did I do with everything else?  Honestly, not so hot, but I'm determined to make sure that February is better!
  1. Earn at least $1000.  Check!  Earning $1043.78 definitely means that I met this goal.
  2. Keep working on organization and time management.  Yes and No - This is still a work in progress... I'm improving, but I still have a long way to go.
  3. Get in gear on my residual income goals since I haven't yet started and hopefully get the blog up and running for it as well.  Not even a little - This one got pushed completely onto the back burner.  I haven't put any work into residuals, or the blog... Although I'm avoiding creating the blog until I have a name for it.
Clearly I still have a lot of work to do before I can say that I'm clearing all my goals, but at least I'm willing to admit my failures.   I'm happy that I met my income goal since that is the one with the most immediate importance, but I still need to put some significant work into the others as well.

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Melissa said...

Try not to beat yourself up too much about the time management goal. With a kid it's really hard to have any sort of regular schedule. I had several weeks where the only time I could get anything done was 11pm-4am. Didn't get much sleep, so I'm trying to figure something else out.

Congrats on meeting your goal!

JPowell said...

Yeah, I'm not really upset about it. I met my monetary goal so that's what really counts, the rest doesn't pay the bills (although residuals would help eventually lol).

I've done some of those 11-4 things, I'm trying to switch out late nights for early mornings but I hate getting up early when it's cold out haha

Melissa said...

Oh my goodness, me too! I've had the hardest time switching my schedule to mornings! I'm lucky my baby likes to sleep late or I'd be in trouble.

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