All right, the Proof of Payment Friday post was postponed for obvious reasons, and Saturday was spent recovering, so here it is a couple days late. Please note, that this won't include any of of the payments from my private clients, but that tally will be included at the end of the month.
- IMShopping: I received a payment from IMShopping on Monday as usual, although I won't be getting one this week since the holidays had me a bit tied up. This payment was for $30 which brings me up to $108.25 total with them. (Proof of Payment)
- SurveyHead: I got my second payment from SurveyHead for $20 and already have enough funds available to request another payment from them! So far I have cashed out $45.50 from SurveyHead, and I have about another $40 waiting for my request. (Proof of Payment)
- iRazoo: I got another $5 Amazon card from iRazoo. This one had been ordered on 11/20 and arrived on 12/19 so it took almost a full month. I've been slacking off here a lot as well, but I intend to pick back up at full speed now that I'm getting my schedule smoothed out. I'm now up to $20 worth of payments from iRazoo. (Proof of Payment)
- PineCone Research: It was a slow week with PineCone, presumably because of the holidays. I did get one $3 PineCone Research payment this week in conjunction with a product testing survey I did. (Proof of Payment)
- YouData: I got my weekly YouData Payment on Saturday (because of the holiday) it was just for 1¢ (Proof of Payment)
- CloudCrowd: I had a few payments from Cloud Crowd this past week, I have to admit that I personally haven't been doing anything on their site. These little payments are just from people in my Crowd, not from me directly. I got three Cloud Crowd payments totaling 24¢ this past week. (Proof of Payment)
- TrekPay: TrekPay updated, I've still been slacking but I think I've managed to find a good place to fit my GPTs in on my schedule again so I expect it to pick up a bit. Right now my tally with them is up to $6.37.
- SurveySpot: I also received a $10 check from SurveySpot, but haven't had time to scan it yet. (I still wouldn't recommend this company based on my time spent with them though.)
Total: $63.25 (spendable
cash only)
from my side eggs this past week. Still below par for what I would like it to be, but when combined with my Freelance earnings, I honestly think my total for the month may break into 4 digits this month!
IMshopping has been slow the past week with barely any questions to answer. So, I don't think anyone made the payout this time around.
Yeah, I guess it was just a holiday thing... I've been meaning to compliment your blog layout changes :)
It looks really great, did you do the graphics yourself or did you get get them done elsewhere?
I need to find some better sites. I'm lucky to make a few bucks a week!
Yeah, my private clients are definitely my bread and butter but I'm still hoping to find enough lucrative sites to earn $100 a week through side eggs alone.
I don't think it would be as difficult to do if I weren't spending so much time on private writing so I'm still working on finding a balance.
I did them myself, and thanks! =)
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