Tuesday, November 3, 2009


TextBroker is one of the sites that I've seen that comes highly recommended to new writers. As part of my goals for the month (coming later) I decided to go ahead and apply with them yesterday to see what would happen.

I applied in the late afternoon, was accepted and told to write a sample for them. I did that and figured it would take 3-4 days to hear back but I actually heard back from them within a few hours which was a nice surprise.

Their pay varies by the ranking they give you as follows:
2 Stars = .7¢ per word (yes .7¢ which means less than 1¢)
3 Stars = 1¢ per word (this is where I got rated)
4 Stars = 1.4¢ per word
5 Stars = 5¢ per word

Clearly, unless you're ranked at 5 stars, the money is minimal, but I'm ok with starting out at 1¢ a word to get some experience under my belt.

I will warn anyone who is considering signing up now though, that there really don't seem to be a lot of 3 or 5 star articles. As a matter of fact I'm going to have to stalk the page to even find a subject that I'm comfortable writing on at the 3 star level. (Right now the only articles up are about rifles!)

I was really excited but now I'm a little iffy.

More feedback coming as I have it!


Tonya said...

I'm signed up with TextBroker as well, but haven't written anything. I've never written keyword articles so I'm scared to jump in. There's a science to it and I don't know it. Plus - a lot of the descriptions/needs are so vague that I'm not sure even how to begin!

JPowell said...

I completely agree!

I did one last night just to see how it'd go. It took me a bit longer than I'd hoped because I'm so nervous about it not being good (I've never done this kind of thing either).

To make it even worse, I forgot to run it through a plagiarism check before submitting it which is something I've been warned about. I didn't plagiarize it but I've heard of articles getting tagged because short phrases that are used happen to show up somewhere else as well. I don't think those complaints were in relation to TB but I still smacked my forehead when I realized I'd forgotten.

I'm holding off on doing anymore until I find out if that one was accepted. I think I'm just going to do one then wait to hear back, rinse and repeat - until I have some confidence built up.

Annita said...

I have written for TB a few times and they have good and bad points. They are reliable and they pay on time. You also have the option for direct orders from clients and you set the price for those. I had a couple and it worked out well.

On the negative side, the pay is quite low unless you know the topic well. Some of the titles require waaay more research than you will be paid for. It is legit though and a fair place to get your feet wet.

JPowell said...

Thanks for the encouraging words Annita :)

They do seem like a nice way to warm up. At the very least it will be a confidence boost to have a few pieces of work accepted with them and will (hopefully) encourage me to try some bigger and better sites in the near future.

I think I might check out a revenue sharing site this month as well but I'm really not much of a SEO expert.

I didn't even do any SEO research when I made my blog (cringe) so I probably picked terrible key words lol

smurf3567 said...

This is a great site! I found you on WAHM.com, and you are absolutely right about textbroker. This was the first place that I really got my feet wet. At first I was so excited that I was making money online and then I became more and more frustrated because of all the work I was putting in and what I was getting paid. Textbroker is a great site to supplement your income for a month or two, but deffinately not as a full time job.

JPowell said...

I completely agree! It's great for getting started, but it's not something that I would want to make a full time income from because I'd probably go insane.

It's also good for touching back in with once in a while when other projects are slow though.

Lauriehomebusiness said...

I have to agree that it is impossible, unless you go awol on writing like crazy there, that there is no way to make a part time or full time income. I have four kids and we talked to each other on Wahm.com before which I am laurie1979 on there. I made over a hundred last month just writing for them. I started today to write at break studios and so far, did two today so hopefully, I made $16. I need to do more since I need more income.

JPowell said...

I've seen some people make a decent part time income from it (a couple hundred a week) but it just wasn't for me hehe

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