1. 100 Free Prints for New Customers: As per p0ptarts blog, sign up through that link, select your prints and use the promo-code prints. Just pay S&H, roughly $5-6, which is like paying 5-6¢ per print! Expiration date unknown.
2. 50 Free 4x8 inch Photo Cards (with envelopes): Login and design your cards and use the code freebies4mom-1109 to drop your total to $0.00. Just pay S&H once again. Expires November 30th. If you have problems check out the FAQ here: Freebies 4 Mom
3. Another 50 Free 4x8 inch Photo Cards (with envelopes): Login and repeat #2 with the same or a new design using the code newbaby and watch your total drop again! Just pay S&H once again. Expires November 30th.
Now please note, I haven't tried all these codes out for myself yet, but I will be this weekend and I'll post as soon as I see what happens! I'm planning to have my mother in law take a few family pictures and then do some solo's of our son for the holidays.
I personally have never been into holiday photo cards, but this is a bargain that I can't pass up, especially since I'm so far away from my family now!
Hey, I got your post about the shopping link..I was going to get to it and post it, now I'm glad I didnt..Im so glad you posted an update about it! Don't you hate when companies change the rules mid-stream? I've just really started reading your blog and I LOVE IT!!! Fabulous! Thanks for visiting my blog and for the nice comments..I'm sure you will hear more from me because your format is exciting!
Tracey C.
Thanks! I love your blog haha your saving capabilities are impressive. I just don't have the drive to figure all those things out that you do lol
I'm glad you came by to visit as well! Hopefully you'll find some good info here :)
It really is terrible when companies pull garbage like what CSN did and I'm still fighting to get my order, but I don't think I'm going to have any luck with it. It really reflects poorly on them on a lot of levels especially since their CSRs can't even tell the same story when you talk to them.
Honestly though, if I can take advantage of all these SeeHere deals, it'll more than make up for it haha... a toy is only good for so long, but pictures are good forever!
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