Monday, October 19, 2009

iRazoo and Many Mini Updates

iRazoo is something that I just got started with a few days ago after being referred by a fellow blogger and I've worked it into my IMShopping routine. This site in no way will make you rich, BUT it will easily make you $15 a month in Amazon gift cards. Again, not overly impressive, and not real cash - but if you were to save your $15 a month from December to November you'd have an extra $180 worth of giftcards for Christmas shopping.

The way it works is that you sign up and get 50 points, and then you use their search box to look up whatever you're looking up. It takes you to a site and you get 4 points for grading the site, 4 points for commenting on it, and an extra 8 (or is it 4) points if someone else has graded it before you.

You can earn 300 points per day, and a $5 Amazon card is 3000 points. So every 10 days you can cash out! There's also a chance to win a gift card randomly while searching, but I've only been with them for 3 days so I haven't seen it happen yet. Either way $15 a month, even in giftcard form isn't bad since Amazon is such a versatile place to get pretty much anything.

I'm actually using it while I do my IMShopping questions and when I find an item for my bookmarklet, I just open that page in a new tab and add it.
Since my post yesterday about IMShopping, I've had several more answers that were awarded "Best Answer". My total is now at $22 out of the $40 I need to cash out with them as a regular (non shopping assistant) member. I'm hoping to reach the $40 before they start hiring but I've been a bit busy so I haven't been meeting my personal 5 a day quota which might make it a bit harder.

I still think it's a great site and I look forward to them opening their new Shopping Assistant positions this month. One of the CMs actually announced today that they've lowered the hiring age to 16, so if you have teens at home who enjoy being on the computer and need some extra cash you should get them started now so they can reach the 25 question minimum for consideration. I don't know anything detailed about the position or pay, but it can't hurt to be prepared by meeting the qualifications.
Cloud Crowd: Reports from Cloud Crowd are that they're still making improvements and work should be up again early this week. To check their forums, go to the facebook page, scroll down and click "Cloud Crowd" in the bottom left corner, click "Discussions" on the page that loads up after that and you can find updates from them and threads by other workers.
I also recieved my $30 payment from GreenfieldOnline, I had requested the payment on the 14th and didn't expect it anywhere near this quickly so a big bravo there. I also received another offer for another $30 interactive study survey two days ago, but haven't heard back as to whether or not I've made the cut. (Payment Proof)

I still haven't been able to successfully complete a regular paying survey for them though hehe
Wanelo is getting close to reaching the 2000 review mark as well which is the pending cut off for paid reviews (this could change in the future). I'm super sad because I was really enjoying this little egg and the thought of it expiring doesn't make me happy, but that's how it goes I suppose! Last I checked they were around the 1500 mark, so if you're planning to get in on this and earn a few bucks do it now! (Check my previous post on them for details.)


JoyFilled said...

I have a question…I’ve cashed in for 3 Amazon GC’s but have yet to receive any (the first one was on 10/21). I did receive a code in my email 3 days after I cashed in for the first one- exactly like the one you got, and at first I assumed it was the one I’d redeemed for, but I see that iRazoo says they mail them out so I can’t figure out if I got an instant one or what (it didn’t refer to anything like that in the email, nor does my account say I won one). Any ideas on when to expect what I’ve cashed in for?

JPowell said...

They definitely have it phrased in a really confusing way. The code you received via email is the code for your certificate, you just go to amazon and follow the directions listed in the email.

They don't actually mail them out - I think it just says that in general for all gifts.

I've never won an instant win card (sad face lol) but I'd assume you'd get some awesome something or other that would pop up on your screen to tell you.

JoyFilled said...

Thanks for your reply! I wonder why I received that one so fast then and have yet to receive the others? Even in my account that first one still says "processing".

JPowell said...

Weird, when my first one sent out it changed to Issued...

Maybe I'm wrong and you did win one, or maybe they just messed up when processing it and you got one in error lol

If you signed up under me, I never got a free card (like I'm supposed to if a referral gets an instant win) so I don't know what to tell you hehe

They might process orders on certain days of the month or something. I haven't gotten enough to know yet. Still waiting on number 2 and 3 to arrive :)

JoyFilled said...

Just to let you know, I got my 2nd one today! :) So here's the scoop on my experience- I got my first $5 GC emailed 3 days after I redeemed for it. My account still said processing. Today I got my 2nd $5 GC emailed 20 days after I ordered, my account now says issued for that one. It actually STILL says processing for the first one, too, but now it has the GC code for each of them up there, so I know it's been issued. The third one hasn't come yet.

JPowell said...

You're one up on me Mama! I've gotten one, but still waiting on the second (11/1) and third (11/10)... I'll be requesting my 4th today >_< haha

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