First of all, I want to apologize to all of my readers (and friends) who have been left hanging over these last couple of months. What started off as an unannounced vacation at the request of my significant other quickly spiraled into an extended absence from the blog-o-sphere, but the good news is that I'm now back in the saddle and ready to start providing help and encouragement again!
Over the past several months I've been "taking it easy" on the monetary home front and have been dealing with family and health issues instead. We suffered several family deaths this spring and summer, my grandmother is still struggling with various illnesses (but her spirits are high) and my parents separated in the blink of an eye when my mother picked up without warning and relocated. To put it mildly, things have been rather interesting.
I'll be getting back into the swing of things again though, and Earning At Home will back in full swing in no time at all!
Things to look forward to:
A possible relocation of, we won't be changing our URL though!
Reviews of classic earning opportunities such as SwagBucks, iRazoo, SurveyHead and more!
Tips and bargains for the holidays...